Setting Up Squid Proxy Server On Linux (CentOS/RHEL)

11:06:00 AM | Saturday, July 30, 2011
A proxy server is a device that usually sits between a client and the destination the user is trying to reach. It can provide security, anonymity, and...
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How To Setup A Secure Apache Web Server On Linux

2:38:00 AM | Friday, July 29, 2011
Apache is a solid and stable web server that has been around for years. Apache can also be used to host multiple websites at a single time through the...
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Setting Up VNC Server On Linux (RHEL/CentOS)

12:48:00 AM | Thursday, July 28, 2011
The VNC server allows you to remote into the user’s system and view her desktop. With the end user’s desktop in view, you can more easily troubleshoot...
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How To Secure SSH Connection

8:36:00 PM | Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Secure your SSH connection is very important. I guess that you don’t want your password being hacked, right? There are some tips that can help you to...
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Backup and Restore Linux OS

1:37:00 PM | Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Backup your Linux OS is the first thing I want to do after installing my Linux machine and necessary softwares. You can install your OS again but it takes...
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Working With Security Enhanced Linux (SELinux)

3:54:00 AM | Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Security Enhanced Linux (SELinux) is another layer of security for the Linux OS. Instead of turning it off, however, you could use SELinux in “permissive”...
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Managing Password Policies On Linux

3:18:00 AM | Tuesday, July 26, 2011
There are a few different ways you can manage the password policies on you syst...
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Configure NAT Server On Linux (CentOS/RHEL)

3:13:00 AM | Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Network address translation (NAT) allows you to use a server as a gateway to a subnet, essentially controlling what goes in and out of your network. Suppose...
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Basic Linux System Security

3:09:00 AM | Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Understanding the basics of Linux security is the best method to keep your business from outside or inside attacks.&nb...
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Auto Install Linux Over Network

11:09:00 AM | Thursday, July 21, 2011
Kickstart server enables you to install Linux over the network via the HTTP, FTP, or NFS protocols. I choose to use the HTTP protocol here because it...
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How To Upgrade The Linux Kernel

10:50:00 AM | Thursday, July 21, 2011
Linux is truly just the kernel. Red Hat and the other distributions in existence today are software and configuration files packaged with the Linux kernel...
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Monitor System Performance In Linux

5:47:00 AM | Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Every time a program or command is run, a process is created for it. These processes are all unique and identified by the process identification (PID)...
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Configure Windows And Linux Central Authentication With LDAP (Not Secure)

5:19:00 AM | Monday, July 18, 2011
The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is an application protocol for accessing and maintaining distributed directory information services over...
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Centralized Log Management In Linux (RHEL)

3:10:00 AM | Monday, July 18, 2011
Whenever something goes wrong – and sometimes when things go right – on the system, a message is generated by the syslog service. In all seriousness,...
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Linux File & Folder Permission With Group Collaboration

6:26:00 AM | Thursday, July 14, 2011
Group Collaboration is an essential part of any system administrator who deals with users. Knowing file and directory permissions will allow you to let...
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User And Group Management In Linux

6:22:00 AM | Wednesday, July 13, 2011
In Red Hat, there are three different types of user accounts: root, normal user and system. The root account is the equivalent of the Administrator or...
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How To Install TeamViewer On Ubuntu

4:55:00 AM | Wednesday, July 13, 2011
TeamViewer connects to any PC or server around the world within a few seconds. You can remote control your partner's PC as if you were sitting right in...
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Creating Your Own Repository From CentOS DVD

4:32:00 AM | Wednesday, July 13, 2011
It’s common for system administrators to create their own repositories where they keep not only a copy of Red Hat (or CentOS) packages, but also their...
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How To Create Your Own RPM Package

3:27:00 AM | Wednesday, July 13, 2011
A key skill for a system administrator is being able to deploy your own custom software. However, you first need to build an RPM package that contains...
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Working With RPM In Linux

3:04:00 AM | Sunday, July 10, 2011
In Red Hat, the popular package used for installation usually have the .rpm extension and can be installed through different means. Before starting to...
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Troubleshooting Network Connections In Linux

11:11:00 PM | Friday, July 8, 2011
The key component to network troubleshooting is making sure that everything is working smoothly and that your network is functioning properly. There are...
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How To Set Up AutoMounter (AutoFS) In Linux

1:32:00 AM | Friday, July 8, 2011
The benefit of this is that remote resources can be mounted automatically and without the need for the root user to perform the mount. This is done through...
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Quotas Management In Linux

1:17:00 AM | Friday, July 8, 2011
A disk quota is a limit set by a system administrator that restricts certain aspects of file system usage on modern operating systems. The function of...
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Permissions Management With Access Control Lists (ACLs) In Linux

12:57:00 AM | Friday, July 8, 2011
Linux, like most operating systems, has a standard set of file permissions. Aside from there, it also has more refined set of permissions implemented...
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How To Secure Your Linux Hard Disk Partition With LUKs

11:57:00 AM | Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Linux Unified Key Setup, or LUKs, is a disk encryption for Linux. LUKs uses block device encryption, which protects the system when it is off (particularly...
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How To Convert CHM To PDF In Linux

5:42:00 AM | Tuesday, July 5, 2011
I recently tried to convert CHM (Windows Help File) to PDF. There're many methods to achieve this. Now I give you an easiest way to make your PDF file...
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Working With File System (Ext2, Ext3 & Ext4) On Linux

4:00:00 AM | Tuesday, July 5, 2011
After setting up the layout of the different disks for the system. Now to be able to use these disks, we need to create a file system for each one, mount...
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Hide Yourself On The Internet With “The Onion Router” - TOR

2:25:00 AM | Monday, July 4, 2011
Onion Proxy Server allows users of the Tor network to make anonymous outgoing connections via TCP. The key advantage that Tor has over other anonymity...
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How To Create Swap Space / File on Linux

11:53:00 PM | Sunday, July 3, 2011
The system uses swap space as type of “virtual memory” for when your physical memory begins to run low. It does this by using piece of disk storage to...
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Service Management on Linux (RHEL)

10:31:00 PM | Sunday, July 3, 2011
On any system it is important to manage the running services. Managing services enables you to ensure the stability and reliability that your system will...
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Working With Runlevels on Linux

5:05:00 AM | Saturday, July 2, 2011
When the system boots up, it queries for the default runlevel, which is defined in the /etc/inittab file. When that default runlevel is located, the system...
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