ApSIC Xbench provides simple and powerful Quality Assurance and Terminology Management in a single package. So, I think it is a suitable solution to integrate to OmegaT for increasing TM consistency. Although there are many software helping to do that work, I always prefer free solution.
I will show some simple steps to achieve this. The first thing to do is google Xbench to find your suitable version your OS machine. Just follow the instruction to install Xbench.
Next, register your id to Xbench before using it.
Check your inbox to confirm your account.
After sign in, create a new project and add your files.
There are many type of files that you want to add. In this case, I choose TMX memory.
Xbench helps you to check many kind of errors such as: unfinished segment, Inconsistency in Source, double spaces,... Now I can fix my errors in original TMX file to make it more exactly.
Have fun!