Although I'm a marketing student, but I used to think that Relationship Marketing is something that really hard to achieve while doing business. However, UnMarketing has blowed my mind not because what Scott Stratten and Alison Kramer wrote in their books. It is because what they did made people like me feel special. Indeed, Scott Stratten and Alison Kramer did make my heart skip a beat. It is an unique experience in my entire life until now.
Here is the story of "The Santa did come to the town".
Before Christmas, I posted a single status telling that all I need is the book Unselling, and I didn't expect that will come true.
Nothing happened, and I almost forgot about it until one day. An Instagram user @unmarketing made a comment ask me if I received the Christmas gift yet or not, then told that "Go to the contact form at and send your address. We'll get you a copy".
Because it is no harm, so I did and hope that the miracle will come (still don't believe that gonna happen).
Until today, Jan 15, 2015. I got a package from Amazon.
I did not remember what I ordered from Amazon, but It has my name on it. so I opened it.
OMG, It's Scott Stratten! I don't know that you put the book Business Awesome in the front on purpose or not, but it's really AWESOMEEEEE.
My heart did skip a beat! I wished only one book - the UnSelling. Now got 4 of your books, and it's beyond my imagination. You guys always know how to Surprise and Delight Your Customers. I have to admit that.
It is a wonder late Christmas gift ever. Thank Scott Stratten and Alison Kramer so much. You already got my loyalty!